Working Together to find True Market Leading Stocks
We are an educational community of professional investors actively hunting for, identifying, and then handling properly the Market's next group of Super Winning Stocks.
We are students and teachers for life - always learning and adapting to the Market's many ways, while sharing our findings with others along the way.

About Ticker Monkey
Welcome to TickerMonkey! My name is JT and I have been trading stocks since 1998 when I selected my first four growth stock leaders. It has been my passion and life’s work since.
Years of being self taught and trading in isolation gave way to better education and even better rules once I started to talk with like-minded investors. This interacting with other traders started in Yahoo message boards originally and a few other sites as time progressed and finally evolved into TickerMonkey.com. I wanted a place where we could focus on community and a proven methodology for trading the true growth stock leaders in the market. On June 10th, 2013 with the help of my brother I was able to put this dream into motion. TickerMonkey was launched with a simple website and a plaintext chat client for a live chat room. Until December 2018 that's how we functioned day in and day out. Plain text chat 24/7 with limited history, no search, no ability to upload charts, and no mobile. Not ideal, but our market information is so robust that folks dealt with our archaic ways because nobody else in the industry has our information or community of highly skilled veteran traders.
Flash forward to today and TickerMonkey has completely evolved and is now on the Slack platform. This offers us a fully archived database of history that is fully searchable and accessible through desktop and mobile. A very powerful mobile app! The ability to set up notifications on keywords or ticker symbols makes for a great experience for our members who work and trade part time. Now they can easily check in and catch up quickly with the mobile app.
I want to thank all of our TickerMonkey brothers and sisters for making our community what it is. It is my honor and privilege to work alongside of you all on a daily basis as we navigate ever changing markets. Thank you for your loyalty and trust these past 11 years in knowing that I will always keep our community focused on the true leadership stocks in the market. And also knowing that I will always make the decisions that are best for our community going forward. Slack being that most recent one that required the support from all of our members. And we made it!
Here's to many more years of community and growth stock excellence!!!
What Ticker Monkey Offers
AÂ community of skilled traders focused on America's greatest opportunities.

Live Market Chat
TickerMonkey's Chat Room is a community of talented professional traders/investors that has evolved from a simple plain text java/flash based chat in our simple beginnings into a robust desktop and mobile work space powered by Slack. This allows us a zero latency experience across multiple platforms to deliver our live market trades, ideas, and commentary. Chat is most active from 7:30am cst to 3pm cst daily, but continues 24/7 and is open to our members to post ideas, reflections, strategies, and much more across our many channels inside of our Slack work space.

Private Twitter
Twitter is where TickerMonkey has gained recognition in the trading community and has found like-minded traders who have become contributing members of our community. I post a few trades to the public @TCMLLC account with some watch list names, but my private Twitter feed @TickerMonkey is reserved for members only. On the private feed I post all of my trades in real time (after posted in main chat) , proprietary chart levels, and watch list names. This is also a vehicle for the retweeting of other FinTwit folks best work or comments that I find to be helpful.

TML Model Portfolio
The TickerMonkey TML Model Portfolio is an actively managed portfolio by Lead PM TMLTrader and JT which consists of what we consider to be names that fit the profile of a True Market Leader. These are companies that have innovative products and/or services that change the way we live, work or play and have the potential to double or more in price in a short period of time. This requires a RIGID RULES BASED approach to handling a concentrated portfolio of growth stocks to capture the big move while using sound money management to minimize risk.
Risk Warning
Ticker Monkey offers general trading information and education that is impersonal and does not take into consideration factors such as your trading experience, personal objectives and goals, financial means, or risk tolerance. If you have any concerns, it is suggested that you seek advice from a professional financial advisor. Keep in mind that past performance is no indication of future results.

Get in Touch
Ticker Monkey Headquarters
Memphis, TN, USA